Legal notices

M. Alexandre THOMAS

Legal definition: Sole trader
Registered office: 1, impasse d'Agapanthe - 76850 Grigneuseville
​Phone : 00336.
E-mail : 

SIRET : 392 620 258 00013
RCS : Dieppe 392 620 258 
Code APE : 7111Z (Architecture)
Intracommunity VAT number: FR 68 392 620 258 
Publications director: M. Alexandre THOMAS

Data Protection Act

According to Article 34 of the Data Protection Act you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you. To exercise this right of access, please contact the webmaster via the contact form.

Hosting and production

Host: OVH
Address: 2, rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix
Telephone : 00339 72 10 47 46

Creation of website: Human To Computer
​Adress : 24, boulevard de la Marne - 76000 Rouen
Téléphone : 00332 35 14 01 01